Life Style, Uncategorized


I entered Northwest as a naive kid who thought the world was fair and that if I wanted something I could just do it. I was shy, awkward, and desperately wanted to find those life long friends immediately. But good things take time and good friendships should take plenty of it. Freshman me needed to… Continue reading Changes

I Just Felt Like Runnin, Uncategorized

Kicking It Up a Notch

Training has officially started. The past few weeks I've simply been hitting my miles and working 36 hours a week. But now my weekly work outs and lifting have begun. This week I am at 40 miles typically do 2 runs a day if I have the time! To be honest my nutrition has not… Continue reading Kicking It Up a Notch

I Just Felt Like Runnin, Races, Uncategorized

Lincoln Half Marathon Recap

So yesterday I ran the half marathon. Have not been feeling great lately and it has been hard to breathe but I just assumed it was bad allergies. Nope. Found out 3 hours after the race I have bronchitis. So I ran 13.1 miles with bronchitis... not sure if I should be proud or worried.… Continue reading Lincoln Half Marathon Recap

I Just Felt Like Runnin, Life Style, Nutrition, Uncategorized

FINALS WEEK: What I Ate Today + A Work Out

This is day 3 of finals and luckily I do not have any tests today! I do have two tomorrow though so I can spend the day studying and relaxing! I have been staying up very late and waking up early the past few days so I took the opportunity to sleep in...a lot. At… Continue reading FINALS WEEK: What I Ate Today + A Work Out

Life Style, Uncategorized

Day In The Life: FINALS WEEK Day 2

"I'm really tired." That phrase has defined my last 3 days. So far I've had 6 hours of sleep and its only Tuesday. Safe to say training has not been great because my brain hurts. Plus I have a half marathon I'm really not prepared for in 2 weeks. The half marathon I'm not too… Continue reading Day In The Life: FINALS WEEK Day 2

Life Style, Uncategorized

Something Strange Is Going On

Lately I have not been 100%. I have been overly stressed, sleeping very little, and trying to train very hard but my legs cannot keep up. The constantly feel heavy, get fatigued quickly, and just are not recovering like they should be. This week I have not done a workout yet and only been able… Continue reading Something Strange Is Going On

Life Style, Uncategorized

Time Management Tips

Life can be messy, and if you don't have a plan sometimes it feels like you are being dragged along with no clear end. Organization and time management have become essential parts of my life since becoming a student athlete. I've always fit time to run into my schedule but as a student athlete I… Continue reading Time Management Tips